Microchip PIC16F628A-I/SO 8-bit microcontroller, with 14KB flash memory, 368B RAM, 256B EEPROM, massive stock, favorable price and fast delivery.
ISD1420P is a voice recording IC with a duration of 16 seconds and 20 seconds. Buy the ISD1420P and get fast, free shipping on qualifying orders.
LM3909N-Operational amplifier, integrated circuit for driving LED flash, original and new source, favorable price and fast delivery.
TI SN75176AD - Differential Bus Transceiver - 8 Pins in SOIC (D) Package. 100% Original, Good Price and Fast Delivery.
TC4428ACPA high-speed dual-channel MOSFET driver chip, inverting non-inverting function, output current 1.5A, suitable for motor control, wireless charging and other fields.
MM74C00N is a logic chip with wide power supply voltage range and strong noise anti-interference ability, suitable for digital systems, signal processing and communication fields.
27256 - 256K (32K x 8) UV Erasable PROM; Large inventory, order online, fast shipping.
H3CR-A8 is Omron's solid-state multi-function timer, which supports 6 working modes, 18 time ranges, and time-limited DPDT relay output. Suitable for industrial control, lighting control and other occasions.