In consumer electronic devices, electronic components are also widely used. For example, in mobile phones, transistors and modules can be used to control and amplify signals, while passive devices such as capacitors, inductors and resistors can be used for filtering and voltage regulation.
Customized ICs, transistors, modules, & passive components for automotive systems. Tailored solutions for power management, signal processing, & safety systems.
Customized ICs, transistors, modules, & passive components for security systems. Tailored solutions for surveillance, access control, & alarm systems.
Customized ICs, transistors, modules, & passive components for industrial equipment. Tailored solutions for power management, signal processing, & system control.
Customized ICs, transistors, modules, & passive components for aerospace equipment. Tailored solutions for power management, signal processing, & system control.
The electronic information products used on the Shenzhou 16 spacecraft have played a key role in the control, communication, navigation, measurement, environmental monitoring and other aspects of the spacecraft, demonstrating China's technical strength and innovation ability in the electronic information industry.
Description: Discover the key standards for selecting electronic components in security systems, including reliability, environmental adaptability, cost-effectiveness, compatibility, and sustainability. Explore 10 crucial components and their ideal applications.